Best Cigar Blog

Cigar 101

Cigar 101: Cigar Aging – Part Science, Mostly Art

Beginning smokers hear a lot about the importance of aging their cigars, but for many it’s a mystery as to what’s happening in their humidor that makes cigars tastier over time. More experienced aficionados can tell the difference between a cigar fresh from the factory and one that’s had a year to sit around, but […]


by Jason, 14 years ago

Cigar 101

Cigar 101: Top 3 Breaches of Cigar Etiquette

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know we take a somewhat different stance on cigar etiquette than our peers. Our attitude is along the lines of “there’s no wrong way to smoke a cigar.” That’s not so say that lighting the cap, smoking from the foot and inhaling deeply are anything we’d […]


by Jason, 14 years ago

Cigar 101

Cigar 101: Should I leave the band on my cigar?

Ah, it’s the age-old debate over whether to leave the band on or off your cigar when you smoke it. Let’s make this simple: there is no right answer. Or, for the optimist: Either way, it doesn’t really matter. Some people will tell you leaving the band on a fancy cigar will give others the […]


by Jason, 14 years ago

Cigar 101

Cigar 101: Can I save a cigar that’s too wet or dry?

A cigar is a dead plant. Sorry to dispel the aura of luxury, but it is what it is — a fragile collection of dead leaves bound together. As such, a cigar is incredibly susceptible to changes in moisture levels. When your cigar burns too fast or too slow, it is often due to subtle […]


by Jason, 14 years ago

Cigar 101

Cigar 101: Should I leave the cigar in its cellophane? How about tubes?

One of our most frequently asked questions is whether to leave a cigar in its outer packaging when storing in your humidor. The short answer is: It doesn’t really matter that much either way. CELLOPHANE Cellophane is used to protect the cigar’s wrapper from being damaged during packing and transit, and when you’re rifling through […]


by Jason, 14 years ago