Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 Cigars

For the eleventh year running, Davidoff celebrates the tradition of the Chinese Zodiac with an exceptional limited-edition cigar release.

The 2023 edition of this annual top-shelf treat, the Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 is a masterful perfecto vitola crafted from an elite grouping of rich tobaccos. In the vibrant and engaging Year of the Rabbit, a red-hued Ecuadorian hybrid wrapper leaf covers a Mexican San Andres Negro binder and select 4-5-year-aged Dominican tobaccos of various varietals and primings. This carefully composed blend brings life to a balanced and deep complexity that smacks of luxury. Notes of pepper, roasted nuts, coffee, and sweet cacao build in intensity over the course of its deliberate and delicious burn.

Highly limited in availability, this highly anticipated release comes to you in stylish collector’s boxes of ten cigars in a neat arrangement intended to look like a rabbit warren. This is easily one of the most exciting releases of the year, and supplies will go quickly. Grab your box along with the special edition ashtray and cutter made to go along with it while they last.

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