Best Cigar Prices Golf Ball Cigar Holder
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Best Cigar Prices Golf Ball Cigar Holder

From: Golf Item #: 246970
$26.00 MSRP
Reward Points

Who knows what they're treating the greens with these days. Surely you don't want to lay your cigar on the ground when you're out golfing like a gentleman. 

Designed to hold your smokes safely while you're taking a swing, this handy golf accessory emblazoned with the Best Cigar Prices logo looks just like a golf ball on a tee - stick it in the ground, stick your cigar on its prong, and no one will be the wiser.

Here's what others have to say about this item!

(1 Review)
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This works great on the cart in one of the tee holder holes and easy not to forget when unloading your cart at the end of a round.I have lost and found the black cigar holders on the golf carts in the pasts.

By Bryan on Jun 22, 2023

Best Cigar Prices Golf Ball Cigar Holder is rated 5 out of 5 based on 1 customer ratings.

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