
Camacho cigars have long been famous for their strong Honduran cigars that pack a punch. When rumors began circulating of a new, bandless cigar from Camacho that would be offered in chests of one hundred at an extremely affordable price, the cigar world began to get excited. The LegendArio cigar was shrouded in mystery and originally Camacho refused to divulge any information on the details of the cigar. When you would go on their website, the words Shhhh were noted by the wrapper, binder and filler. A marketing scheme, naturally, but it left a lot of us here at Best Cigar Prices.com scratching our heads until we finally got our first shipment of LegendArio cigars. These cigars hold true to the Camacho legacy, and are offered in either Natural or Authentic Corojo and Authentic Corojo Maduro. As true with Camacho cigars, LegendArio cigars are Honduran Puros that have been well received by the cigar industry, as the LegendArio received an 88 rating by Cigar Aficionado.
The LegendArio Natural cigar is a beautifully constructed medium bodied smoke, offered at an irresistible price. Being true to Camacho’s nature, the LegendArio Natural cigar is a Honduran Puro that has quickly become the “go-to” cigar for many of our customers. The LegendArio Natural cigar features an earthy flavor that produces an astounding aroma that is beautifully complemented by a delicious light finish. Many of our customers have been supporting this cigar, insisting that we recommend this cigar to any medium-bodied smoker. So, here I am, passing on the word, if you’re a medium-bodied smoker who enjoys a relaxing, toasty, creamy, cigar, pick up a bundle of ten, or a box of forty. The El Legend-Ario Authentic Corojo cigar is definitely the stronger version of the El Legend-Ario cigar offered by Camacho. Using 100% 1st Generation Corojo seed tobacco that is grown in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras, the El Legend-Ario Authentic Corojo cigar is a one of a kind smoke. The Jamastran Valley region has the perfect soil and ideal climate for cultivating tobacco, so much so that it has been compared to Cuba’s renowned Vuelta Abajo Region. Camacho’s President has stated that “To the best of our knowledge, we are the only people growing the Authentic Corojo seed and we want to make sure that consumers are aware of this.” The El Legend-Ario Authentic Corojo cigar is also offered in a stronger Maduro version of the same cigar. The El Legend-Ario Authentic Corojo cigar is ideal for the smoker looking for something that’spowerful, but not a cigar that’s going to knock your socks off. Offered in chests of one hundred, or loose packs of ten, don’t hesitate to try an El Legend-Ario cigar today.


25 (1)
50 (1)

2X Deal (1)
Box (1)


Price Per Stick

4" - 6" (2)
6" - 8" (2)

55 - 60 (2)
60 - 64 (2)

In Stock?
Cigar Only?
Add+On Deal
valued at $15.00

LegendArio / LegendArio Cigars