Would you like to have the events here at the pub automatically appear on your calendar? Exact instructions depend specifically on which
calendar software you use.
If you have an apple device, simply clicking the button should automatically add our events to your calendar.
Web-based Calendars (Google, Outlook, etc.)
If you are using other popular calendar programs, such as Google or Outlook, you will need to copy the link to our event file
(webcal://bcpassets-staging.s3.amazonaws.com/frontend/calendars/pub/general-events.ics). To copy the link either press and hold
the "Subscribe to calendar" button on mobile devices or right-click on the "Subscribe to calendar" button with your mouse. Choose
the option to copy the link.
Google Calendar
- On the left, next to Other calendars, click the plus (+)
- In the navigation pane, select From URL
- Paste our URL (webcal://bcpassets-staging.s3.amazonaws.com/frontend/calendars/pub/general-events.ics)
- Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under Other calendars
Outlook Calendar
- At the bottom of the page, click the calendar icon ( )
- In the navigation pane, select Add calendar
- Select Subscribe from web
- Paste our URL (webcal://bcpassets-staging.s3.amazonaws.com/frontend/calendars/pub/general-events.ics)
- Select Import