Medium Humidors
Medium Cigar Humidors - Best Cigar Prices. has the best assortment of medium cigar humidors to choose from for your home or the office. Our medium desktop cigar humidors ensure that you have the space to store a variety of cigars without taking up your whole room. You can store up to 150 cigars in our medium humidors so you can smoke the perfect cigar at optimum freshness.
Humidors are essential for every cigar lover and connoisseur. They maintain an ideal environment with approximately 65-70% humidity to keep your cigars fresh for an extended period of time. Most experts in the cigar industry actually recommend that all cigars should age a few months in a cigar humidor to release some of the gases that build up in the cigars. Our medium cigar humidors come in many different colors, sizes and styles. Our medium humidors are made to hold between 50 and 150 cigars (depending on the model). All of our medium humidors feature proper seals to allow your cigars to "breath" and the essential elements that allow your cigars to stay in smoking shape for several months or even longer.
Check out our featured medium cigar humidors below, or search the complete list for a one of a kind medium desktop cigar humidor perfect for your cigar storage needs.