Tatiana Flavored Cigars
Tatiana cigars are some of the best-selling flavored cigars in the world. Each of Tatiana's flavored cigars is handmade in the Dominican Republic using a smooth blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos blanketed in a carefully selected Indonesian wrapper. These mellow blends are perfect for capturing the rich essence of Tatiana's exciting flavor infusions. Without this essential tobacco blend, the world would never know the amazing taste of Tatiana's signature cigars, like Groovy Blue, Sweet Euphoria, and Fusion Frenzy. Tatiana cigars also offer more conventional flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla, honey, cinnamon, mocha, cherry, and many others. If you're looking for variety, the
Tatiana Assortment Sampler is a great option that includes
Tatiana cigars are some of the best-selling flavored cigars in the world. Each of Tatiana's flavored cigars is handmade in the Dominican Republic using a smooth blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos blanketed in a carefully selected Indonesian wrapper. These mellow blends are perfect for capturing the rich essence of Tatiana's exciting flavor infusions. Without this essential tobacco blend, the world would never know the amazing taste of Tatiana's signature cigars, like Groovy Blue, Sweet Euphoria, and Fusion Frenzy. Tatiana cigars also offer more conventional flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla, honey, cinnamon, mocha, cherry, and many others. If you're looking for variety, the
Tatiana Assortment Sampler is a great option that includesseven of Tatiana's top flavors all in one package.