Your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled. You will not be able to properly use this site until you enable JavaScript, a leading online distributor of premium cigars from around the world, is asking customers and cigar enthusiasts to take a stand against the FDA regulation of the cigar industry. H.R. 1639 / S. 1461, known as the “Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act,” works to exempt premium cigars from government regulation.
If the FDA was to regulate the sale of premium cigars the following drastic restrictions could be imposed:
Cigar Rights of America teamed up with legislators to come up with the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act. urges people to visit the Cigar Rights of America website in order to sign the petition against this FDA regulation of the cigar industry. The proposed regulations could have a dramatic impact on the cigar industry, negatively affecting thousands of jobs both in the United States and abroad. In order to prevent the FDA from adding cigars to its list of regulated items, the act must garner the support of 20 U.S. Senators and 150 Representatives.
To take a stand against the unfair regulation of the cigar industry by the FDA please visit
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About, a leading online cigar distributor, carries, sells, and promotes all major brands of premium cigars. Find the world’s bestselling brands, including Alec Bradley cigars and Illusione cigars, to an array of exclusive brands you won’t find anywhere else, and cigar accessories such as cigar cutters, humidors, and lighters. High volume sales, fast product turnover rates, and longstanding relationships with cigar manufacturers around the world enable to offer one of the most extensive collections of premium cigars at discounted prices, making it the premier online destination for cigar aficionados and beginning smokers alike.
Greg Fox