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Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newcomer to cigars altogether, cutting a cigar before you smoke it is likely an afterthought. It’s almost done as a reflex, using whatever cigar cutter you have at your disposal. Still, this simple act of opening the cigar for air flow can significantly change how your sticks smoke. If you’re in the market for a cigar cutter or a cigar punch, you might want to consider how each style can affect your smoking experience.
Straight cutters, commonly referred to as guillotine cutters, are arguably the most popular entry on this list thanks to their simple ease of use. While inexpensive single-blade guillotine cutters are out there, a double-blade cutter is much more desirable for a clean cut. More importantly, you need to know just where to cut when using guillotine cutters. Just past the head of the cigar, where its curves start to straighten out, is the sweet spot. If you cut too far down on the cigar there will be too much air intake, making the cigar hot and ruining the flavor.
Rather than cutting off the entire cap of the cigar with a straight cutter, you can always use V-cutters for a more controlled draw. Also known as wedge cutters, these look and operate similar to guillotine cutters. However, the v-cutter doesn’t let the whole head of the cigar through the opening. Instead, a small notch is cut into the cigar’s cap. This not only minimizes the risk of cutting too deep into the cigar, it also makes it less likely that your cigar’s wrapper will start unraveling. The down side? It can be harder to get big, hearty draws.
Cigar punches are similar to V-cutters in that they break through the cigar’s cap rather than removing it entirely. This brings with it the same subdued draw and the same protection from unraveling and flaking. It’s also the best method for folks who hate getting bits of cigar in their mouth while smoking. Still, there is a rather considerable drawback to punches: they simply don’t work on certain vitolas (cigar shapes). The punch needs a relatively flat cigar head to punch through, so if you plan on smoking a torpedo or any other cigar with a pointed head, you’re going to need a cutter.
As the name suggests, these are simply scissors that are designed for cutting cigars. The blades are generally curved to give you the same clean cut as a dual-blade straight cutter. However, cigar scissors tend to be less compact and portable as the popular straight cutter. They can be a nice accessory to keep in your smoking room, but it’s probably best to leave them at home.
If you’re looking to pick up a new cigar cutter or punch, there are plenty options to choose from at Best Cigar Prices. Before you pick one up though, be sure to check your favorite cigars first. We often include certain cutters with cigar orders free of charge!