Cuban Cigars and their Stateside Counterparts

cohiba cigars

With the 50th anniversary of the trade embargo against Cuba last month, we decided to take a

look at what makes Cuban cigars so good. Cuban cigars are best known for being robust, full-bodied, and, most of all, illegal. Two different factors unique to Cuba weigh in to create the unique flavor, aroma, and overall quality of these coveted cigars.

Cuba’s Climate: Cuba has a year-round tropical climate that is kept moderate by trade winds. These are the ideal growing conditions for tobacco. Pair that with nutrient-rich soil and you’ve got yourself one heck of a cigar. The Pinar del Rio Province of Cuba is a world-renowned location for tobacco plantations.

Cuba’s Past in Traditional Cigar Production: Cuba is home to some of the best cigar rollers in the world. Known as torcedores, these expert cigar rollers are revered in the Cuban culture where hand-rolling is an art form. The skills and techniques used by torcedores have been perfected for generations resulting in a very high quality cigar.

The fact that Cuban cigars are banned in the United States, and pre-embargo Cubans are a rarity, adds to the allure and status of Cuban cigars. There are many Nicaraguan, Honduran and Dominican cigars that are extremely comparable (arguably even better), a lot easier to get your hands on, and legal!

While Cuban cigars are no doubt a great smoke, read on to find out about a few equally tasty stateside cigars offered by Best Cigar Prices:

  • Cohiba Cigars– A Dominican cigar with a rich flavor and dark wrapper that doesn’t overwhelm the smoker. The Dominican variety is the only Cohiba legal in the United States.
  • Romeo y Julieta Cigars– A Dominican cigar with a smooth mellow taste. The Romeo y Julieta cigar is a modern take of the original Cuban brand.
  • Montecristo Cigars– This cigar, handmade in the Dominican Republic, is one of the finest cigars available in the United States. A full-bodied cigar with a sweet aroma.

Visit to learn more about which stateside cigars are comparable to Cuban cigars.

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