Press Release : Father’s Day Cigars


Press Release: Best Cigar Prices Releases 96-Page Father’s Day Cigar Catalog

The Best Cigar Prices Father’s Day Cigar Catalog is a 96-page catalog featuring hundreds of
unique cigar and cigar accessory items from the top brands in the industry.
Best Cigar Prices is a leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars, serving cigar aficionados
worldwide since 1997. The company’s global headquarters in Drums, Pennsylvania features a state of the art,
warehouse-sized cigar humidor that ensures quality and freshness in every cigar shipped. Best Cigar Prices has just released their Father’s Day 2014 cigar catalog, offering a diverse range of cigar deals, discounts, and specials designed to make cigar shopping an easy and affordable experience for consumers.
The Best Cigar Prices Father’s Day Cigar Catalog is a 96-page catalog featuring hundreds of unique cigar and
cigar accessory items from the top brands in the industry. Products featured in the catalog range from high-end
premium cigars and cigar humidors, to inexpensive bundled cigars and machine made cigars, as well as
cigarillos, small cigars, flavored cigars, and other niche segments of the cigar world. The catalog showcases a
number of the most popular and highly-rated cigar lines currently on the market today, including Acid, Aging
Room, Padron, and Rocky Patel cigars, all at discount prices unavailable elsewhere. This edition also has full
pages showcasing products from well-known brands like Cohiba, Arturo Fuente, Gurkha, Alec Bradley,
Boutique Blends, and many others.

In addition to a wide selection of premium cigars, readers will also find a great variety of cigar deals and
special offers including coupon codes, free shipping offers, and other special promotions to add additional
value to cigar orders. The featured deal of the Father’s Day issue is BCP’s new Build Your Own Combo, which
allows customers to choose from a variety of cigars, humidors, and accessories to assemble their own custom
gift set at a greatly discounted price. Designed to help customers in search of the perfect Father’s Day gift, the
Build Your Own Combo feature lets customers pick from three different price points to create a unique cigar
gift set that fits their budget.

The Best Cigar Prices Father’s Day Cigar Catalog was mailed directly to the 60,000 customers who currently
subscribe. Those interested in learning more about Best Cigar Prices or subscribing to their free catalog should

About Best Cigar Prices:

Best Cigar Prices is the premier online retailer of premium cigars and cigar accessories, offering a wide
selection of handmade cigars, machine-made cigars, cigar humidors, lighters, cutters, and more at discount
prices. Best Cigar Prices also offers weekly email deals and free bi-monthly catalogs showcasing their latest
products, cigar samplers, and specials, as well as customer support 7 days a week.

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