Matilde Cigars

Best Cigar Prices is proud to carry a wide selection of Matilde Cigars.

Since 1974, legendary cigar maker Jose Seijas has been instrumental in developing and producing some of the world’s most well-known premium cigar brands, including Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, and more. With a long history of experience behind him, Seijas launched his own venture, resurrecting the early 1900s brand Matilde Cigars in 2014. Produced in small batches at Seijas’ La Romana factory in the Dominican Republic, the boutique-style cigars of Matilde have been accumulating high ratings and loyal fans ever since.

Matilde Renacer cigars

With a wide array of unique strengths and tasting profiles, Matilde cigars cover all the bases and have been praised by many of the world’s most respected sources. Shortly after its release, the 92-rated Matilde Renacer Corona was ranked #19 on Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2014. In 2020, the Matilde Quadrata Torpedo was recognized with an excellent 93 rating, noting its rich, malty qualities and delicious caramel and black cherry notes. The brand has been associated with deep flavors and masterful construction since its inception and continues to uphold its impressive legacy.

Matilde Quadrata Torpedo (6 x 52), box of 20 cigars

We invite you to browse our full selection of Matilde cigars and enjoy these unique premiums at the greatest value possible.

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