Orleans Currency 125-Cigar Humidor

Imagine a society where handmade cigars were the legal currency.

If I handed you a Davidoff cigar as payment for a pound of coffee, perhaps I’d get back 5 Factory Throwouts as change?

Of course, this idea is pure fantasy and speculation, unlike the Orleans Currency Humidor, which is 100% tangible and in stock now at Best Cigar Prices.

Orleans Currency 125-count humidor

A sharp desktop humidor sporting a high lacquer ebony finish, the Currency was designed to house up to 125 of your favorite cigars for storing and aging. Lined with Spanish cedar, the Currency’s air-tight seal locks in humidity to preserve your cigars in perfect ready-to-smoke condition.

This classy humidor comes complete with a humidifier, hygrometer, lock & key, and even an engravable nameplate if you want to really get fancy about it. If you’re not currently storing your cigars in a proper humidor, or if you’re in need of a new one, it’s time to step up your game. Luckily you can obtain the Orleans Currency humidor for a full $80 off the retail value right here.

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