Rebellion Rockstar Range

Offering a range of high-quality, full-flavored blends, the UK-based Rebellion Cigars are ready to turn up the tasty in your humidor. Rebellion's unique Rockstar Range features dynamically delicious blends themed for classic rock songs to stir up your spirit. Choose from our wide range of Rebellion cigars at the lowest prices and tune into the rockin' rich flavor now!


5 (8)
4 (5)
20 (4)

Various (1)
Full (4)
Medium (4)
Medium-Full (4)
Mellow-Medium (4)

Sealed Pack (13)
Bundle (4)

Connecticut (4)
Habano (4)
Maduro (4)
Mexican San Andres (4)
Various (1)


Price Per Stick

4" - 6" (17)
6" - 8" (11)

50 - 54 (13)
55 - 60 (4)
60 - 64 (4)

In Stock?
Cigar Only?

Rebellion Rockstar Range / Rebellion Rockstar Range Cigars