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Al Capone cigars and cigarillos are packed with fillers from Condega, Jalapa, and Esteli, Nicaragua. This exceptional tobacco is then wrapped in natural leaves from Nicaragua and Brazil. Choose from several flavors including rum, cognac, sweets, and menthol. No matter which Al Capone cigar you pick, you can expect a robust aroma and unmatched flavor that only their signature rum-dipped cigarillos can provide.
Al Capone cigars are also made available in both filtered and non-filtered varieties. Their filtered cigars provide smokers with a smooth, everyday smoke, while the non-filtered cigars deliver rich flavor and a bold finish. You can also try Al Capone’s famous small cigars for a convenient smoke that can be enjoyed any time. Find all of these Al Capone cigars and cigarillos here at Best Cigar Prices at the lowest prices online.
Al Capone cigars originated from Sao Felix, Brazil, but are currently manufactured in Nicaragua. Their cigars feature carefully selected tobacco seeds, which are planted in the rich soils of the Bahia countryside. There, the plants are closely monitored and tended to until they’ve matured into the leaves Al Capone cigars are known for. Once harvested, these leaves are naturally air-cured and sorted for rolling in Danli, Honduras. The final products are the tasty cigars and cigarillos we all know and love.