Flavored Cigar Directory

Best Cigar Prices proudly carries a wide selection of the top flavored cigars at the lowest prices.

Browse our selection of high-quality flavored cigars from Acid, Backwoods, CAO Flavours, Tatiana, Trader Jacks, Dutch Masters and more by brand using the handy directory below.

Acid Blondie cigars


Infused with the finest herbs and botanical essences, Acid cigars are among the most unique and sought-after premium flavored cigars on the market.

Al Capone Jamaician Blaze cigars

Al Capone

Handmade in Nicaragua, the best-selling small cigars of Al Capone are available in  a variety of flavors including rum, cognac, sweets, and menthol in filtered or unfiltered varieties.

Ambrosia Mother Earth cigars

Ambrosia by Drew Estate

Blending Southeast Asian and European spices with vintage Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, each Ambrosia cigar is aged for four months before packaging for maximum smoothness.

Avanti Vanilla cigars


The classic Italian-style cheroots of Avanti are available in flavors including bourbon, anisette, vanilla, and more.

Backwoods Honey cigars


Heavy on satisfying taste and high in demand, the rugged natural leaf cigars of Backwoods never go out of style.

Bahama Mamas Bardstown Bourbon cigars

Bahama Mamas

Handmade in the Dominican Republic using finely-aged tobaccos of the highest quality, Bahama Mamas cigars offer unique flavors in an ultra-smooth smoke.

Black & Mild Wine cigars

Black & Mild

“The original pipe tobacco cigars”, Black & Mild cigars use aromatic pipe tobaccos along with a homogenized wrapper and binder for a satisfyingly smooth machine-made smoke. Black & Mild cigars are available in many styles including original, cream, wine, cherry, and more.

CAO Flavours Moontrance cigars

CAO Flavours

Combining high-quality tobaccos with rare ingredients from all over the globe, CAO Flavours cigars are some of the tastiest and most popular flavored cigars in the world

Captain Black Peach Rum cigars

Captain Black Little Cigars

Mellow in strength with flavors including cherry, peach rum, regular, sweet, and vanilla, Captain Black Little Cigars offer smooth taste and aromatic effect for all levels of smokers.

Cojimar Senoras Truffle Chocolate cigars


Cojimar Cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic and feature a “sugared tip” used on many of their size options. These cigars are well-renowned for their various flavors including amaretto, cinnamon, chocolate, rum, vanilla, honey, and more.

Cuban Delight Amaretto cigars

Cuban Delight

Mellow Dominican tobaccos kissed with a smooth infusion of aromatic flavor come alive in every puff of Cuban Delights cigars. These buttery-smooth budget cigars are available in a range of tasty flavors to satisfy your appetite for rich taste.

Dream Filtered Sweet Aromatic cigars


The decadent dessert smokes of Dreams Filtered small cigars are fully loaded with rich and vivid flavor you’re sure to love.

Djarum Splash Filtered cigars


Djarum Filtered Cigars feature exotic Indonesian tobaccos, spices, and cloves in an assortment of aromatic and non-aromatic blends to please every style of smoker.

Dutch Masters Palma Cigarillos

Dutch Masters

Dutch Masters Cigars have been an American favorite since 1911. Providing a great smoke at a very reasonable price, Dutch Masters cigars are available in cigarillos, coronas, and palmas, with flavors including chocolate, cognac, grape, green, and many more.

Game Green Palma cigars


Game Cigars by Garcia y Vega are among the most popular brands in the United States and have been a favorite since their introduction in 2007. The green has a naturally sweet taste and aroma, while the Honey, Vanilla, and the newer Wine, Peach, White Grape, Silver, and Black selections are flavored cigars.

Good Times Blueberry cigarillos

Good Times

Good Times cigars are machine-made in California and feature a huge variety of flavors with an aromatic finish. Good Times cigarillos, Little N’ Wild, and Remington filtered cigars are some of our best-selling flavored cigars.

Havana Honeys Honey Tins

Havana Honeys

Havana Honeys is one of the original flavored premium cigar brands on the market. Each artfully crafted cigar features bold blends of Dominican and Italian tobaccos in flavors like rum, sweet honey, vanilla, and more.

Isla Del Sol Churchill cigars

Isla Del Sol

Drew Estates’ Isla Del Sol cigars feature the lush flavor of fresh-brewed sweet espresso with hints of mocha. They use a creamy, chocolate-brown, “sun-blessed” Sumatra wrapper around premium Nicaraguan tobaccos that have been infused with premium Sumatra coffee. 

Island Collection Treasures Amaretto cigars

Island Collection

Available in Vanilla and Amaretto flavors, Island Collection flavored cigars have just the right amount of flavor to provide a light and enjoyable smoke for both novice and aficionado alike. 

Jackpot Tropical Blast cigars


From the original makers of White Owl cigars, Jackpot cigarillos bring you a bold, aromatic smoke in a variety of delicious flavors at an unbeatable price point. 

Java Corona Latte cigars


A joint venture between Drew Estate and Rocky Patel, Java Cigars are crafted with a unique blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos and seasoned with a tasty coffee infusion. These popular coffee-flavored cigars are available in varieties featuring flavors of vanilla, mint, and more.

JM’s Dominican Honey Vanilla cigars

JM’s Dominican

JM’s Dominican cigars are hand rolled using aged Cuban-seed tobacco leaves grown in the rich soils of the Dominican Republic. These cigars are available in traditional Connecticut, corojo, maduro, and Sumatra wrapper, as well as flavors like honey, honey rum, honey berry, and more.

M by Macanudo Belicoso cigars

M by Macanudo

M by Macanudo cigars unite an interesting blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Philippines under an Indonesian Bezuki wrapper,adding a smooth infusion of single-origin Colombian coffee.

Marsh Wheeling Rough Cut Berry cigars

Marsh Wheeling

Marsh Wheeling Rough Cut cigars are inexpensive and tasty stogies with a rustic natural wrapper leaf in the style of Backwoods, available in a variety of flavors.

Neos Exotic Selection Cigarillos


Handmade in Belgium, Neos offers a wide range of different cigarillos in a variety of tastes. Blends such as Neos Mini Classics and Selection Cappuccino have become amazingly popular across the globe.

Night Owl Black Cherry cigars

Night Owl

Night Owl cigars are plastic-tipped pipe tobacco cigars available in a variety of extra-tasty and aromatic flavors.

Nub Nuance Double 354 cigars

Nub Nuance

The Nub Nuance Series is a premium line of handmade, coffee-infused cigars billed as “The Ultimate Coffee Experience.” Available in three unique styles: Single Roast, Double Roast, and Triple Roast, these flavorful and aromatic smokes present a range of delicious options for the cigar-lover and coffee connoisseur alike.

Original Bourbon Cigar By Ted’S 650 Tubes

Original Bourbon by Ted’s (formerly Maker’s Mark)

Handmade in the Dominican Republic, Ted’s Original Bourbon Cigars are aromatically seasoned with Makers Mark bourbon. Each Original Bourbon Cigar By Ted’s comes wax-sealed in individual glass tubes and requires no humidification.

Pacific Twyst Cherry Mojito Apertif cigars

Pacific Twyst

Available in a range of unique and inventive flavors, Pacific Twyst cigars provide a unique twist on traditional flavored cigars. Mouth-watering flavor-infusions like the coffee and sweet Irish cream-seasoned Cafe Royale, the bold and fiery Spiced Rum, and the silky and spicy Vanilla Bourbon are sure to impress.

Panter Dessert cigarillos


Available in small cigar tins and boxes, Panter cigars feature tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil, and the U.S. wrapped in Colorado Claro, Habano, and shade-grown wrappers and available in flavors of cognac and vanilla.

Parodi Cherry Vanilla cigars


Parodi cigars are machine-made using 100% natural tobaccos, dry-cured with hickory smoke to deliver a smooth, mellow and satisfying flavor. These classic smokes are also available in a tasty cherry-vanilla flavor.

PDR 1878 Dark Roast Cafe Corona Maduro cigars

PDR 1878 Roast Cafe

Available in Dark, Medium, and Natural Roast varieties, each PDR 1878 Roast Cafe cigar is coffee-infused and gently sweetened with sugar cane for a subtle yet distinct taste of fine coffee in every puff.

Prince Albert Soft Vanilla cigars

Prince Albert

From the makers of Black & Mild, Prince Albert cigars are made using only Middleton’s top pipe tobaccos. Smooth and sweet with a pleasant aroma, these popular pipe tobacco cigars are mellow in strength and lushly flavorful in cherry vanilla and soft vanilla varieties.

Principes Masters Corona Caribbean By La Aurora cigars


Principes Cigars are machine-made at the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, Tabacalera La Aurora. These mellow to mellow-medium cigars are available in traditional, non-flavored varieties as well as flavors of chocolate (brown), vanilla (blonde), and more.

Rum Runner Buccaneer cigars

Rum Runners

Gently infused with high-quality Rum, Rum Runners cigars are made using fine Indonesian, Brazilian and Caribbean tobaccos. These mellow, Caribbean-inspired cigars are smooth with hints of leather throughout.

South Beach Flavors Key Lime cigars

South Beach Flavors by Nino Vasquez

South Beach Flavors is a mellow Dominican blend in a Natural wrapper enhanced with exotic and savory, subtle flavors for a nice change of pace from the typical flavored cigar. These aromatic sticks are available in flavors of chocolate, creme brulee, and more.

Swisher Sweets Sweet Tip cigarillos

Swisher Sweets

Swisher Sweets cigars are a classic brand with a rich history dating back to 1958. Today, they continue to provide consistent products known for their sweet taste and multitude of flavors including cherry, black, sweet, and more.

Tabak Especial Gordito Negra cigars

Tabak Especial

Tabak Especial cigars by Drew Estate are made from rich Nicaraguan tobaccos infused with Nicaraguan Selva Negra coffee. These cigars offer a mellow-medium to medium burn featuring quality Connecticut, Maduro, and Natural wrappers. 

Tatiana Classic Groovy Blue cigars


Tatiana Cigars are some of the best-selling flavored cigars in the world, boasting a hand-rolled premium blend of two-year-aged tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic. These cigars offer a smooth and mellow-bodied smoking experience in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, honey, cinnamon, mocha, cherry, and others.

Trader Jacks Kickin Cigars

Trader Jacks

Trader Jack’s cigars feature fine Connecticut wrappers and an intoxicating blend of Caribbean flavors. They contain a savory blend of Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan tobaccos with mellow strength for an easy smoke.

The Upsetters Original Rude Boy cigars

The Upsetters

Comparable to Acid cigars, The Upsetters cigars emit a totally unique and aromatic profile with nuances of Toast, Sweet Tea, Tea Tree Oil, Pepper, Orange, Honeysuckle, Baking Spices, and much more. These mellow-medium cigars use rare Jamaican “Cow Tongue” tobaccos as the base for their wild infusions.

West Indies Vanilla Treasures cigars

West Indies

Kissed with a sweet Vanilla bouquet, the hand rolled West Indies Vanilla cigars combine a blend of 100% natural tobacco with premium vanilla flavoring to bring you an incredibly smooth smoke with a pleasurably spicy-sweet undertones.

White Owl White Grape cigarillos

White Owl

Available in many sizes and delicious flavors since 1958, White Owl cigars have stood the test of time for a reason – they’re a solid, reliable, and tasty choice for the casual aficionado. White Owl cigarillos are available in a huge variety of delicious flavors, including Mango, Grape, Strawberry, Vanilla, Tropical Twist, Pineapple, Honey, and many more.

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